Are you doing what you can, or are you doing what you want to do? Through individual training, I help you achieve what you want. My workouts provide more energy and help you move easier. During this psychomotor therapy I help you by means of movement, dance, play, improvisation and music, to free your moves, voice and emotions in order to really express yourself.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal details
Family name: Roelofs
First name: Angèle
Nationality: Dutch
Date of Birth: 20-11-1972
Place of Birth: Enschede
Affiliation (Company) (self-employed): FIJNZINNIG BEWEGING : Theater, Training & Therapie.
2014-present Cultural and social education (HBO) at the NCOI, Utrecht.
2011-2013 Psychomotor therapy (HBO) at “Hogeschool Windesheim”, Zwolle.
2010 Training-actor, education for aggression-deescalation at the Rijnmond-police, Rotterdam.
2008-2009 Management, Economics and Law (HBO) at the NTI, Enschede.
2005-2006 Movement-improvisation school “Lassaad” in Brussels (focal point: body-awareness).
1998 – 2000 Movement-improvisation school “Kleine Academie”, in Brussels (focal point: drawing impressions).
1997 – 1998 Creative Dance and Movement Therapy (HBO), in Sittard (The Netherlands).
1996 Pre-school for mimeschool Amsterdam.
Work-experience in Psychomotor therapy:
2012-2015 Psychomotor Therapist in Psychiatry at SPOOR1 in Zaandam.
2012-2015 Movement-therapist for a former client of mental health care, Enschede.
2011-present Private home-sessions for various psychomotor clients.
2011 Psychomotor director of improvisation-group “ADHD”, Den Haag (The Hague).
2010-2014 Movement-instructor at Rehabilitation centre, “het Roessingh”, Enschede.
2010 Movement-instructor for a 9-year old autistic child in Deventer.
2010 Personal psychomotor therapist for an Alzheimer patient in Losser.
2011 Psychomotor group-therapy with theater-group “Dipt” in Utrecht.
2008 Dance-therapist for “Inanna-art” foundation in Belgium.
2007-2008 Respect-project with movement-improvisation for art-institutes “Crea” and “Concordia” in Twente.
2004- 2007 Psychomotor grouptherapist for mental health care for “Menzis” in Oldenzaal (self-developed and implemented, an innovative care project).
1990-present Personal treatment with e.g. Massage techniques, posture and movement coaching, aggression-control training, relaxation, dance and music.
Work-experiences in Movement:
2010 Training-actor in aggression-control police in Rotterdam.
2010 Dance-performance at Geriatrics centre “De Posten”
in Enschede.
2009 Camera-actress for Achmea company, EMPA-TV in Herpt.
2009 Movement-theater performance for “Oranjefonds” in Utrecht.
2003 Movement-therapeutic dance-performance at “Mind en Bodybeurs”
in Enschede.
1991 Lead-role in an educational movie for general medical practitioners in Amsterdam.
1986-present Private theater-work for movement-training and performances.
e.g. Lead-role as a “convict” in “Beschuldigd”, SBS6 and award for on-screen roles involving intense emotions.
Internship experiences:
2005 Intern as a sailing instructor for socially deranged and maladjusted children in Friesland (The Netherlands.)
1997-1999 Intern as a psychomotor therapist at the “circus Tijdgeest”, (special youth work) Twente (The Netherlands).
Vocational training:
2010-2011 Training for support services in mental health care centre in Enschede.
2003-2004 Psychomotor therapy training for heart-contact, in “Stadsmaten” , Enschede.
2001-2002 Freestyle Training work (maintaining personal rythm), at care centre “De Viermarken”,
2000-2011 Social skill training, at “Mediant” in Enschede.
2000-ongoing Training for aggression-control through the courses of Qi Gong and bio-energetics in Enschede.
2000 Training for sleeping disorders and relaxation in Enschede.
1991-1992 Psychotherapy day-care, “De Bremmele” in Enschede.
Strongly inspiring for people in collaborative work.
Contact improvisation
Composing music and singing