Angèle Roelofs

trainingsacteur, trainingsactrice, sneldichter, spoken word artist, bedrijfstrainingen

Angèle Roelofs

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Movement Therapy

OP MAAT GEMAAKTE BEWEGINGSTHEATER- ACT Are you doing what you can, or are you doing what you want to do? Through individual training,  I help you achieve what you want. My workouts provide more energy and help you move easier.  During this psychomotor therapy I help you by means of movement, dance, play, improvisation  and music, to free your moves, voice and emotions in order to really express yourself.

Check out  my references!!




Curriculum Vitae

Personal details
Family name: Roelofs
First name: Angèle
Nationality: Dutch
Date of Birth: 20-11-1972
Place of Birth: Enschede
Affiliation (Company) (self-employed): FIJNZINNIG BEWEGING : Theater, Training & Therapie.


2014-present Cultural and social education (HBO) at the NCOI, Utrecht.
2011-2013 Psychomotor therapy (HBO) at “Hogeschool Windesheim”, Zwolle.
2010 Training-actor, education for aggression-deescalation at the Rijnmond-police, Rotterdam.
2008-2009 Management, Economics and Law (HBO) at the NTI, Enschede.
2005-2006 Movement-improvisation school “Lassaad” in Brussels (focal point: body-awareness).

1998 – 2000 Movement-improvisation school “Kleine Academie”, in Brussels (focal point: drawing impressions).
1997 – 1998 Creative Dance and Movement Therapy (HBO), in Sittard (The Netherlands).
1996 Pre-school for mimeschool Amsterdam.
Work-experience in Psychomotor therapy:
2012-2015 Psychomotor Therapist in Psychiatry at SPOOR1 in Zaandam.
2012-2015 Movement-therapist for a former client of mental health care, Enschede.
2011-present Private home-sessions for various psychomotor clients.
2011 Psychomotor director of improvisation-group “ADHD”, Den Haag (The Hague).
2010-2014 Movement-instructor at Rehabilitation centre, “het Roessingh”, Enschede.
2010 Movement-instructor for a 9-year old autistic child in Deventer.
2010 Personal psychomotor therapist for an Alzheimer patient in Losser.
2011 Psychomotor group-therapy with theater-group “Dipt” in Utrecht.
2008 Dance-therapist for “Inanna-art” foundation in Belgium.
2007-2008 Respect-project with movement-improvisation for art-institutes “Crea” and “Concordia” in Twente.
2004- 2007 Psychomotor grouptherapist for mental health care for “Menzis” in Oldenzaal (self-developed and implemented, an innovative care project).
1990-present Personal treatment with e.g. Massage techniques, posture and movement coaching, aggression-control training, relaxation, dance and music.

Work-experiences in Movement:
2010 Training-actor in aggression-control police in Rotterdam.
2010 Dance-performance at Geriatrics centre “De Posten”
in Enschede.
2009 Camera-actress for Achmea company, EMPA-TV in Herpt.
2009 Movement-theater performance for “Oranjefonds” in Utrecht.
2003 Movement-therapeutic dance-performance at “Mind en Bodybeurs”
in Enschede.
1991 Lead-role in an educational movie for general medical practitioners in Amsterdam.
1986-present Private theater-work for movement-training and performances.
e.g. Lead-role as a “convict” in “Beschuldigd”, SBS6 and award for on-screen roles involving intense emotions.

Internship experiences:
2005 Intern as a sailing instructor for socially deranged and maladjusted children in Friesland (The Netherlands.)
1997-1999 Intern as a psychomotor therapist at the “circus Tijdgeest”, (special youth work) Twente (The Netherlands).

Vocational training:
2010-2011 Training for support services in mental health care centre in Enschede.
2003-2004 Psychomotor therapy training for heart-contact, in “Stadsmaten” , Enschede.
2001-2002 Freestyle Training work (maintaining personal rythm), at care centre “De Viermarken”,
2000-2011 Social skill training, at “Mediant” in Enschede.
2000-ongoing Training for aggression-control through the courses of Qi Gong and bio-energetics in Enschede.
2000 Training for sleeping disorders and relaxation in Enschede.
1991-1992 Psychotherapy day-care, “De Bremmele” in Enschede.


Strongly inspiring for people in collaborative work.
Contact improvisation
Composing music and singing